The Splurge Test


I was considering dropping boo koo bucks on wear-with-everything flats this weekend –however – I exercised my temptation muscles. Lately, I’ve adopted a useful test for judging whether a fashion splurge is worth the investment.

Lux items are in abundance. My credit limit is in short supply. I save myself money and strife by adhering to a few simple rules when I’m hunting for a swoon-worthy item.

Does your splurge pass the test?


  1. Is it a designer that you covet? If you’re splurging, make an art-worthy statement. Having a connection to and respect for the designer makes the piece intimately yours.
  2. Will it integrate into your existing wardrobe? I’m all for a trends, but that’s why Zara exists.
  3. Does it have a disaster factor? Aka – how likely is it to get damaged or accrue wear-and-tear. For instance, I never splurge on sunglasses because they’re constantly subjected to scratching, getting lost and breaking.
  4. Is this purchase more important than other life priorities? Is it infringing on your money saving goals or that trip at the end of the year with your girlfriends?
  5. Have you thought of the money-to-season ratio? For instance –I live in Florida so nice leather sandals outweigh winter boots in importance.

The splurge test will put a system of checks-and-balances on your wardrobe spending and help you avert style disaster. If I had this test five years ago the following fashion disasters would have been averted:

  • A puke-yellow, Rebecca Minkoff side satchel that I snagged at a Barney’s warehouse sale because I was in an “edgy” mood.
  • A multicolored Pucci hat that I purchased, solely because I was in Milan and on a gelato-induced sugar high.
  • Feathers – on EVERYTHING – during my music festival days.

Style Disclaimer: The splurge test is a standard for all. It translates differently for everyone based on taste. Use this according to YOUR standard – YOUR body – YOUR lifestyle needs. And please, don’t go running to splurge on a Celine tee because your instagram feed encourages it.


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