Category: Guides

  • Mindful Curation: Miracle or Complete Madness?

    Mindful Curation: Miracle or Complete Madness?

    Decluttering? Join the world! You’ll be more effective if there’s a method to your madness, writes Tara Button. She shares her method for curating like a boss with The Peahen.

  • Shop Swap: Fast Fashion Alternatives

    Shop Swap: Fast Fashion Alternatives

    Fast fashion is gaining steam despite growing awareness of its impact. Here are easy swaps you can make to start phasing it out of your life.

  • City Guide: Sustainable Fashion in Scandinavia

    City Guide: Sustainable Fashion in Scandinavia

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I’m on a break. Last month, I told myself that I needed to hit pause on my writing for a hot minute to clear my head and make brain space to launch my styling business. Right now it lives in the la la land of Google docs and I’m finally ready to bring it to…

  • How to Know If Your Clothes Are Cruelty-Free

    How to Know If Your Clothes Are Cruelty-Free

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Emily Folk[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]If you’ve been working with a clothing personal style guide to update your style and wardrobe, this means making the rounds at your usual stores or browsing online to see what fits your style, budget, and, if you’re here, probably your ethics. If you’re concerned about the latter, shopping can get complicated, fast.…

  • Fashion Manufacturing for a Better Tomorrow: A SxSW Guide

    Fashion Manufacturing for a Better Tomorrow: A SxSW Guide

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This Saturday, I’ll be at SxSW talking to brands, manufactures, curious consumers, and pretty much anyone with ears and a curious soul about sustainable manufacturing in the fashion industry. This industry varies so much from high fashion on the runway to even a gothic clothing store outlet; that’s part of its charm. But we need…

  • Are Your Clothes Poisoning You?

    Are Your Clothes Poisoning You?

    Ah, chemicals in your clothes – we don’t talk about this enough! Can they really be ‘chemical-free’ and which ones should you look out for? Cait Bagby investigates.

  • The Best Books on Sustainable + Ethical Fashion

    The Best Books on Sustainable + Ethical Fashion

    We can’t buy our way to an ethical or sustainable world but we can educate ourselves to be more thoughtful consumers. Start with my curated list of these 18 interesting reads. There’s one everyone, from the novice to the passionate advocate.