Down Under Fashion’s Radar: Australian Designers

Cameo – Shakuhachi – Camilla and Marc – Maticevski – Karla Spetic – Zimmerman

These are the cult of new designers flying under fashion’s radar in the land of Oz. They don’t mirror looks from the runway or mimic stodgy fashion rules. Aussies have been are changing up the game with their own brand of streetwear. The look is subversive, edgy and structured – but it maintains just enough cool girl ease to emulate their relaxed lifestyle. It’s finally time to shine the limelight on Aussie fashion.

This band of six designers don’t shy away from experimentation. Keep them on your radar if you’re into rule-breaking style. I have a feeling they’ll be cropping up at outside of Oz soon.

Bear with me. These collections are pricey at the moment. My hope is that as Australian brands are recognized for their distinct style they’ll become more accessible to the everygirl. Emulate their look on your own dime for now. Or, check out Esther Boutique. The e-commerce site dishes out accessible Aussie fashion – globally. As any real Aussie would say, you’ll look just “spiffy.”

Clockwise from top left: CameoShakuhachiCamilla and MarcMaticevskiKarla SpeticZimmerman



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