Author: Kasi

  • What About Indian Fashion?

    What About Indian Fashion?

    India flies under fashion’s radar. On a recent trip, I examined what’s really going on there when it comes to ethical fashion. It took me a while to recover from my recent trip to India. I was definitely suffering from sensory overload: a non-scientific disorder common among westerners who are thrown into a culture at…

  • A Year of Wardrobe Resolutions

    A Year of Wardrobe Resolutions

    Before I jump into my 2016 resolutions, I want to do a small recap of this year’s highlights. There are two biggies worth mentioning. This year I converted The Peahen. I’m now focusing solely on ethical fashion. Why? Because fashion can be smart. Because fashion can be a powerful force for social justice. Instead of…

  • It’s Not Too Late For An Ethical Holiday!

    It’s Not Too Late For An Ethical Holiday!

    If you’re reading this post, you’ve procrastinated as much as me this season [insert mild panic attack as I look at my pile of unwrapped gifts]. You’re up against the holiday crunch, but don’t give up on ethical alternatives yet. There are still a few things you can do to prep and keep your ethical…

  • Prepping and Packing: The India Edition

    Prepping and Packing: The India Edition

    I’ve been planning a trip to India with my two oldest friends all year and it’s here! We arrive to celebrate Diwali, a Hindu festival of the lights, and then we are trekking all over the northern region and ending the trip at a three-day wedding. It feels surreal. And it also feels like a…

  • Ethical Audit: Zady Sets A New Fashion Standard

    Ethical Audit: Zady Sets A New Fashion Standard

    Can one brand upend what we’ve come to expect from our favorite fashion stores – cheap thrills to satisfy our desire for options?  Zady think so. The brand is set out with with a simple, compelling mission – To make clothes what they should be: Clothes that fit. Clothes that feel great. Pieces that inspire. Better yet, Zady just…

  • #EthicalHacks with Orange Harp

    #EthicalHacks with Orange Harp

    Now that I’m writing solely about ethical fashion, people have been asking me for tips to help them transition into conscious, happy lives that reinforce positive social change. The fundamental rule of ethical living is learning to be happy with less. However, we’ve all got to buy stuff to sustain our productivity, well-being and fuel our creativity. I…

  • The Leather Label: What’s Ethical and What’s BS?

    The Leather Label: What’s Ethical and What’s BS?

    Choosing leather ethically can be tricky. I’ve deciphered some of the popular options and brands to help you cut through the marketing and get to the truth. I learned these lessons first-hand when my mom asked for my birthday wish-list, and kindly obliged to my request for an ethical, faux leather handbag. After some research,…